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Music Lite by rawPRAISE
A native Californian, Robin was born in “the city by the Bay”, San Francisco.
She has been a singer and musician for —- (let’s just say) —- a very long time, since the age of six. Her first instrument was a small Magnum organ. When she switched to violin in the sixth grade, she began working with school and community orchestras including the San Francisco Symphony, and the Junior College Symphony in Albany Georgia after graduating high school and joining the Marines.
Though she grew up in a “religious” home, she gave her life to Christ about three years after joining the Marines. Then, she met and married Chris Wakeman.
Robin has worked with a number of worship teams in local churches. In that time, not only did she sing and play the cello, she developed a desire to play the keyboard.
In the mid-90’s, Robin sensed a desire to write Christian songs. She had never written songs until then, so this was a new and a different direction. Only prayer and seeking the Lord would give her clarity. As Robin grew in her relationship with the Lord during this journey, more songs dropped in her spirit. And wouldn’t you know it? Lo and behold, Robin’s husband was also an audio and recording engineer. This set-up was God, all the way. Chris designed and built a home recording studio, and she provided the songs. With much dedicated tenacity over the years, she is happy to introduce her first album, “Everlasting”.
So, Robin, what is your mission for future recording projects? —– “ My mission is God’s Commission, the Great Commission. For someone like me, who took a lot of years to grow out of spiritual infancy, it was amazing to experience God’s patience. I sometimes wished that my conversion was as radical as some, but God knew I needed the time. He graced me that time.
It is one thing to have head knowledge about the things of God, and another thing to believe it. You know you’re growing when you can put your eye and thoughts on the other person, and their eternity. Every one who has named the Name of Christ has been equipped with unique ways to deliver the same Gospel to the world. I may plant a seed, and another may water it. Or, another may plant a seed, and I come along and water it. I may not reach everyone, but I can reach — one. As long as I remain attentive to the Holy Spirit, I don’t “miss it”, and get out of His will. I enjoy my prayer and intimacy with Christ. I am humbled to be able to hear the songs He drops in my spirit. I believe God’s vision for the lost is to have me reach them as His singer and musician. And for the believer, I lead them through praise and worship, even conducting instrumental “soakings” — to help the believer keep their thoughts on Christ and seek Him as they remain in His presence. As one recording artist put it, my purpose as a worshiper is simply to step between the person and their storm, using music to woo their focus on The Answer: Christ, the stiller of storms. My decades of growth in God’s Word have come to this. It is time, and the album“Everlasting” is just the beginning.
Copyright © 2025 · All Rights Reserved · rawPRAISE
Music Lite by rawPRAISE